The Tamil film loving audience saw a lot of roads on screen last in Linguswamy-directed 'Paiyaa.' Rajjan Madhav�s upcoming flick 'Muran,' which sees Cheran and Prasanna in the lead roles, is all set to hit theatres across the state on September 23. Most of this film has been shot from the Chennai-Bangalore highway. 'Muran' which has been inspired from the Hollywood classic film 'Strangers On A Train' has a lot of scenes canning highways and is a thriller.
The film also has a lot of other aspects like romance and comedy despite it being a thriller film. More than fifty percent of the film was done with director Cheran producing the film, and UTV moved in to produce the rest. Despite the crew facing some glitches during commencement, as the filmMusic for the film is by Sajjan Madhav, the director's twin. The music album which released recently is doing a good run at the music charts. There are a total of five music tracks, which is inclusive of a promotional song. 'Muran' is Rajjan Madhav's first film as director. He used to assist director Mysskin earlier.
'Muran' sees Cheran and Prasanna in key roles with Haripriya, Suma Bhattacharya and Nikita as the lead females. progressed everything took a smooth turn for the better.
The film also has a lot of other aspects like romance and comedy despite it being a thriller film. More than fifty percent of the film was done with director Cheran producing the film, and UTV moved in to produce the rest. Despite the crew facing some glitches during commencement, as the filmMusic for the film is by Sajjan Madhav, the director's twin. The music album which released recently is doing a good run at the music charts. There are a total of five music tracks, which is inclusive of a promotional song. 'Muran' is Rajjan Madhav's first film as director. He used to assist director Mysskin earlier.
'Muran' sees Cheran and Prasanna in key roles with Haripriya, Suma Bhattacharya and Nikita as the lead females. progressed everything took a smooth turn for the better.
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