'Vaagai Sooda Vaa' (VSV) is director Sargunam's upcoming film. This will be a period film which dates back to the 1960s. The film sees Vimal and Iniya as the lead pair. Since this is a period film the crew first designed a miniature village and after the directorSince 'VSV' is set in the 1960s the director and his crew were on the look out for empty spaces in villages without even electric posts to have the natural effect of the sixties. The set looked so original that there were reports that government-authorized health volunteers who go around for giving polio drops did their duty in this set that was erected by art director Seenu, without realizing where they were.
The film is a romantic comedy and sees Bhagyaraj and Ponvannan in pivotal roles. Director Bhagyaraj will be Vimal's father in the film.
'Vaagai Sooda Vaa' is distributed by UTV Motion Pictures and debutant Gibraan has scored the music for this film. Gibraan is a close friend of Sargunam and Vimal. The art director of this film Seenu, has worked as assistant to director Sabu Cyril.
Produced by Muruganandham, 'Vaagai Sooda Vaa' is sure to take its audience on a flashback time machine to the 1960s. Sargunam has taken care of the minutest nuances like roping in mimicry artists and recording radio programs similar to Radio Ceylon which was available during the time.s green signal erected an exact life-size set near Aruppukottai. The film will release on September 23.
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